Today’s Unreached People Group (UPG) Prayer Focus:

Ways You Can Pray for the Unreached

Prayer ideas for the unreached to meet Jesus:

  • Jesus followers willingly obeying Christ’s command to “go and make disciples”
  • Jesus followers finding open doors to make new disciples
  • God’s Spirit preparing unreached hearts to hear and receive God’s love story
  • The Bible’s translation into the UPG language
  • Emergence of leaders and people of peace from each people group
  • God revealing Himself supernaturally through dreams, visions, and miracles
  • Removal of spiritual blindness and deafness among the unreached
  • Spiritual growth and obedience of those who choose to follow Jesus
  • Willingness to be a disciple who makes disciples of Jesus

Prayer ideas for the Church and those working among the unreached:

  • Strength (spiritual, physical, mental, relational, & emotional) of persecuted Jesus followers
  • Believers’ boldness to both obey Christ’s commands and share God’s love story
  • Increased number of Jesus’ followers to work among unreached people groups
  • Increased number of Jesus’ followers to financially support missions among the unreached
  • Increased number of Jesus’ followers actually praying for the unreached to become followers of Jesus
  • Courage to share, with conviction and obedience, God’s love story – regardless of the outcome
  • Compassion, wisdom, and “eyes to see,” within those working among the unreached
After praying for today’s UPG, be sure to click “I AM PRAYING” in the UPG box above, encouraging others to do the same.